From what I have heard and read Australians aren't allowed to own firearms except under special circumstances.
As the owner of a set of three rifles, I can say that it is not too difficult to obtain a firearms licence in this country. Primarily, you just need to have a genuine reason for owning these weapons. However, in common with many other countries of the former British Empire, the police here would not class self-defence as a legitimate reason (in fact, if you offered that as the reason for owning a gun, they would almost certainly reject your application for a firearms licence!)
In my case (and also true of most gun owners in Australia) being a member of a rifle shooting club was considered sufficient to be granted a Class A and B Firearms Licence, which covers rifles and shotguns.
Before anybody directs a stream of tomatoes in my direction, this is purely for your (i.e. Honesty's) information:
-I am not offering any comment as to whether this is, or is not, a good policy - I am just stating how it is!